Friday, April 03, 2015

Blog #7 Tokyo’s Shibuya ward votes to recognize same sex marriage

In Japan, as well as many places in the world, those who had a sex change are not recognized as the sex they truly defined themselves as. With countries not recognizing transsexuals as the sex they believe them to be, they face the same laws as homosexuals including marriage. With a locale in Tokyo, Japan known as Shibuya giving same sex partnerships equivalent rights as heterosexual who are married allowed Fumino Sugiyama, who is legally recognized as a female, to be able to marry his girlfriend of four years. Though the same sex marriage ordinance is only recognized in Shibuya it is not legally binding and will be effective in July. With many Japanese members in the LBGTQ community hiding from fear of the community, this ordinance allows members in the LBGTQ community to finally be able to feel accepted.  


To hear about a country such as the United States or Europe or Canada to legalize same sex marriage in a section of its country is something we all tend to expect. We are moving in a direction that shows humans are equal. To have a place in Tokyo, Japan to be the first locale in Japan to recognize same sex partnership as the “equivalent of a marriage” is a positive change in their laws, as well as progress for the whole world to learn to be accepting of same sex partnerships. The more we are exposed to same sex relationships the easier it will be for us to realize that homosexuals deserve the same benefits as heterosexuals. 

Karen Bent
April 3, 2015

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