Friday, November 21, 2008

An Amber Alert

Alisha Casey/November 21, 2009/ 4:30 p.m.

In Britain there is a concern about commercial sex. Off the busy streets in Britain there is the rape trade where most activity is legal but abuse is not. There is rising concern that abuse levels have increased and will continue to increase because people are afraid to speak out due to exploration risks. Statistics show that 8 out of 10 prostitutes are immigrates. Many immigrant prostitutes do not recognize the risk associated due to their lack of knowledge of the English language and the law and they are sometimes trafficked by gangs. Over the past two years the police in Britain have rescued 251 women who were thought to have traveled to Britain for sexual slavery.

This week the government has proposed a law to make those individuals that buying sex liable to criminal charges. This is not a remedy but a way to decrease the number of individuals seeking prostitution activities. This is not an unusual problem around the world every country has prostitution is some shape or form. This may be a difficult task for Britain since it is legal to buy and sell sex but most of the things that make prostitution possible such as: pimping, soliciting, and kerb- crawling are not. As the law stands punters who knowingly have sex with an exploited woman can face charges of rape. The new law would criminalise the oblivious as well.

The laws in Britain are very different from the laws around the world. Another law that is controversial is a older man that has sex with an underage girl may be acquitted if the man can prove that he was tricked into having sex. the laws are controversial. Prostitution is wrong in my eyes no mater what the circumstances and especially when an older man has a sexual encounter with a young girl. I think that it will be difficult for Britain to pass a law protecting those who participate in prostitution from abuse for the simple fact that prostitution is legal. May citizens may be against the law because many of the older voters support prostitution.

1 comment:

Jared Hill said...

This law seems to be a step in the right direction. Although the morality of prostitution isn't really the issue, this new law will do much more good than harm. Programs of sexual risks and awareness should be placed here as well if there isn't already a high volume of them.