It may be too early to see whether or not Obama follows through with his plans for helping the environment, but his current rhetoric reminds America of an inspiration to do good for the earth that has not been felt since the 70's. Unlike the Bush administration, however, Obama speaks about the peril's of climate change right alongside his plans for the economy and the Iraq war, showing that it will be one of his top priorities. The policies that Obama outlined during his campaign would put America closer to Europe in terms of fighting climate change, but they would nut cut US emissions as much as Al Gore promised in the 1997 Kyoto treaty. Also, it will be hard to fix the growth of emissions under Clinton and Bush, and reverse the damage. His plans are to reduce emissions by 2020 to 1990 status, and he promises that his succesors will reduce emissions 80% by 2050. He also plans to introduce a climate change Bill to return America to the international environmental fold.
Obama will also need to reframe the average American's grasp of climate issues, especially since about half do not believe in man-made global warming, and show that security, economic policy and environmental policy can function together. He will especially need to show how Americans can make money by cutting greenhouse gas emissions.
I think that Obama really has his task cut out for him. I think he is sincere in presenting his plans for fighting climate change. I think he can even create more jobs by finding different ways to produce clean energy. I am excited to see what he does.
Yes, Obama may have a lot of taks to take care of but he can do it. Plus, we woudlnt be in this awful position if it wasnt for our previous president.
I hope he can stick true to his word, because with cleaner energy we can provide new specialized jobs for this new technology. New jobs created in America, will keep unemployment down and hopefully help the economy. Its like a domino affect and I hope climate will be his top priority. War should near a resolution because our climate is changing constantly and we can't change the climate so we must act fast.
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