Matt Brown
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin used a meeting of his powerful political party to take center stage Thursday, casting himself as an indispensable leader even as the global financial meltdown threatens the achievements of his boom-time presidency. He acknowledged that Russia could not escape the effects of the international economic turmoil, but said it was well insulated by the riches accrued during his eight-year presidency. He also expressed confidence Russia would do more than just weather the storm. "We can and must come out of the global instability stronger and more competitive," Putin said. Once again, Putin cast the U.S. as the chief culprit in the woes of Russia and the world, saying that "cheap-money doping and mortgage troubles in the United States" brought on the crisis. "Russia’s financial situation is still strong but the situation is deteriorating," Chris Weafer, chief strategist at Moscow-based investment bank UralSib, said. "If this trend continues, there could be a major economic crisis possibly in the first quarter of next year, with job losses and other effects, and this could create political problems for the government."
Russia is being very opinionated, they are taking a survivalist stance economically, and they are only look out for themselves. They are also creating tension once again between us. Though this time they are completely right about how much America has worsened the global economic crisis. We can only hope that global economies will become more stable in years to come, and the world does not fall even further into disarray. Putin is either a very smart politician or a very dumb one, and is setting himself up for a very long political career or a very short one.
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