Kari Leonard
November 21, 2008
This article is about how the Rural Development Institute, an international non-profit working to secure land rights for the world’s rural poor, received a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to help women in India. The grant was $6.7 million dollars and was give to expand its “micro-land ownership” program in India to help landless women and their families achieve food security and escape poverty through access to agricultural services on land as small as 1/10th of an acre. The article also says that in India, women are a significant majority of the agricultural labor force but that they rarely have rights to land and are usually one of the most vulnerable groups. Giving the women a little bit of land can yield a lot of benefits for women in terms of having food, security, shelter, income and status. I am really glad that Bill Gates with all of his money has decided to give these women a chance to survive and have a good life. This is a major start for what is beginning all around the world for women in developing countries. There are still more countries that are out there that are far behind in many rights for women but each time I find a new newsletter on how women are continually being helped it makes me feel better about the situation. That’s how things happen one step at a time.
1 comment:
The rural poor experience so many economic, political and social disadvantages that receiving a grant for women should not be a problem. Women have been through so much as well they deserve the right to own land. Hopefully the upward movement for women and their rights will continue to change around the world.
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