Friday, November 07, 2008

Uganda People News: Minister calls for a law on child trafficking/Jamiliah Halley 2:57p.m.

Jamilliah Halley
November 7, 2008/ 2:57p.m.

The Minister of state youth affairs in Uganda has appealed to legislation to make a stronger law against human trafficking. Minister Kinobe believes that with a stronger law put into place that the practice will be reduced in the country of Uganda. And in decreasing this he belives that children will be a lot safer and belives in the place they call home.

Minister Kinobe says “people are increasingly trafficking children for whcitcraft, child labor, and selling them for early marriages among others”. He has told journalist in Kampala that the bill against child trafficking will be n the table in parliament very soon at that children will not be used for rituals and others pleasures any longer.

A report in Uganda was recently put out by the Gender minister, Uganda Youth Development Link, and the United Nations Population fund. This report states that the most trafficked victims a re young girls who are exported to countries such as Kenya, Sudan, Rwanda, Tanzania, and DRC. And the children are not only exported to these place but they are also exported to Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Europe, and even America to work as sex workers and slaves.

I think that this is a step in the right direction for Uganda but a simple law is not going to change much of anything. IT is commendable yes but ineffective. Theses people that buy and sell children as a product are crooks they care only about one thing and that is how to get more “product” and how much to sell it for., They are masters at getting past the laws and these who enforce the laws.


MartikaBigham said...

Child trafficking is a horrible thing and I can’t believe people are able to live with themselves, knowing that they’ve done. I agree that this law is a step in the right direction, granted it’s a small step, but a step none the less. I think that the minister is the perfect type of person to start this movement, because he is looked up to and is a form of leader.

Matt Brown said...

I agree. I think that more than just a law will be needed to stop these offenses. I think that serious investigation and strict punishments must be enforced in Uganda and in all countries to stop the flow of enslaved children.