Friday, November 07, 2008

US Contributes $320 Million to Global Avian Flu Fight

November 7th, 2008 - 4:17 PM
Chelsea Thompson

I wrote last week about the problems Sri Lanka was facing with the Avian Flu. The United States Government has announced that it is going to pledge 320 million dollars to help in the fight against the Avian Flu. Hopefully this will help people fight off future pamdemics of the virus. This contribution will bring America's total for fighting against global diseses and pandemics to 949 Million dollars. The donation breaks down as follows:

$94 Million to support lead organizations around the world (including WHO) to help build Avian and pamdemic flu preparadness activities.

$86 Million to support ongoing bilateral activities in 48 countries

$83 million to address the evolving nature of the avian flu threat in the event of a global contingency.

$57 million for international flu research, ongoing support to regional sites of the Global Disease Detection network, and international coordination.

I think that it is excellent that the US is getting involved in bringing awareness and possibly eradicating such a devistating illness. My theme throughout this entire project is how America and other developed countries should be doing all that they can to bring health awarness and technology to countries in need. Think that by pledging such a great amount of money toward fighting against the Avian Flu, America is doing it's part to bring health to people in need.

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