Wednesday, November 05, 2008

VHP Member Shot Dead in Kandhmal

Chambria N. Brawley
11:25 pm

In an area that has been disheveled for the past couple of months due to Hindu violent attacks launched at Christians, the death of VHP activist, Dhanu Pradhani, will more than likely lead to more unrest for Christians. Dhanu Pradhani, was killed by three unidentified individuals in Kumbharigaon in the Brahmanigoan district of the area around 12:30 pm this afternoon, while at a school. This comes at a time when Indian administration is already struggling to contain tumultuous communities. Pradhani is the first VHP party mortality since the death of Swami Laxmananda Saraswati. Police have yet to identify the suspects and little information is known about the suspects. Pradhani suffered gunshot wounds to the chest and head. Administrators have not attributed any specific reason as to why this killing occurred, despite allegations made by the saffron bridge that Christians from the Katingia area are responsible. Although no arrests have been made, a local suspect was detained.

I feel sure that this act is only going to lead to more violence in an area which is already suffering. Proposed allegations against Christians, in a predominantly Hindu nation only creates more turmoil and hatred. India will continue to be a nation divided until they realize the concept of unity. If the acts of violence continue down the path it is currently on, India could potentially be facing genocide in the near future. I just hope that it does not get that far, before someone steps up and intervenes.

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