Thursday, November 19, 2009

19 killed in courthouse bombing in NW Pakistan

More than 80 people have been killed in attacks surrounding Islamist militants. The recent bombing has become the seventh attack in the last two weeks surrounding Peshawar, the largest city in the northwest. The suicide bomber was being searched by police at the gate of the lower courthouse when he detonated the bomb. Since the beginning of October more than three hundred people have been killed in bombings and militant raids on government, civilian and western targets. The militants are making their way into the northwest despite security measures. The attack follows after an earlier attack from the US targeting militants. The bomb explosion occurred hours after missiles fired from a suspected U.S. drone killed three suspected militants in Shana Khuwara village in North Waziristan, another region close to the Afghan border region where al-Qaida and Taliban hold sway.
It seems the attacks and killing will continue as long as these militant people are on a mission and continue to disagree with the way Pakistan is being ran. It seems the more of their people (militants)that are attacked the more attacking and suicide bombing that will occur for police, innocent civilians, etc. At some point someone has to stop the attacks on both sides, in sake of the innocent lives that are being lost. There needs to be a more peaceful approach to the whole situation unless the government does not care about the innocent lives that are being lost.

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