Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Africa: Poor Education Blamed for Continent 's Poverty

Katie Scott
November 24, 2009
11:20 AM

This article talks about how the leading cause for the poverty in Africa has been penned down as being the lask of education that its members receive. The African Academy of Science Director, Thomas Edwang, recently spoke about this during an inagauration workshop. He faulted the education systems for not being efficient in fostering innovation among students. He claims that the African education system is producing job seekers and not job creators, which leads to then languishing in poverty. He says that the scientists need to figure out the reason behind this and they are now creating conventions to plan the action that needs to be taken to change this.

I think that this article goes along with the articles that I have followed about education all semester. The main premise that lies behind all of the inequalities and poverty of societies seem to be education, or the lack thereof. I think that it is good that people like Thomas Edwang are figuring out that this is the cause and trying to stir some action to do something about this poorly set up system of education that they have in Africa. There are many more areas around the globe that have poor systems of education which lead to poverty in the country. Maybe they will soon pick up on the trend and try to better their education systems as well.


1 comment:

jrgomill said...

Poverty is closely related to many other issues. I definitely agree that poverty is some to blame on lack of education.