Friday, November 27, 2009

As deaths in Afghanistan rise, so does the growth of opium

Debranya Brower
This article is talking about the unfortunate fact that many of the troops and programs that have been put into place have pretty much been thrown back into the faces of those trying to stop the Taliban by the Taliban drug dealers and corrupt government officials. If those that have put in place to uphold the law are not doing their job then it becomes very hard to do anything productive and law abiding if they are not leading by example. In Afghanistan, there are nearly 13,000 attacks between January and the end of August this year- more than two-and-a-half times the number experienced during the same period last year and a fivefold increase on the total in 2005. Due to all that is going on a lot of programs that have been set into place have been put on the back burner until things become more stable. The last report on the drug problem in Afghanistan by the UN Office on Drugs and Crime revealed that opium production- which happens to support a lot of the efforts of the Taliban- has gone from 200 tons in 1980 to 6900 tons in 2009. With all the crime that his going on unfortunately there is not distinctions between the Taliban, crime gangs and some government officials.
I feel that if these corrupt government officials continue to support the wrong doings of the Taliban then there will be no change in Afghanistan. I feel that Afghanistan and whatever other government's are involved in the efforts in Afghanistan need to do a shake down of the all the organizations. I think that there is no way of going forward is what is right and wrong is not being brought out by the government. All government officials need to be checked into before any other programs are put in place. I don't think that money should just be thrown away just because of a few bad apples. Government officials should be looking into who is supporting the Taliban in both drugs and financially and deal with it accordingly. The Government desperately needs to be on one accord before things can go forward.

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