Friday, November 27, 2009

Shaniya Davis Found Dead; Mother Turned Little Girl Into Sex Slave, Say Police

Alesia Mason
Shaniya Davis Found Dead; Mother Turned Little Girl Into Sex Slave, Say Police

This story is about Shaniya Davies the young girl whose own mom sold her into prostitution because she had a drug debt. Shaniya was then raped and killed while her mom reported her missing. Shaniya was five and had been with her father but rather than take his daughter with him, he allowed her to stay with her mother for the short span of time he would be gone. He returned home to find his daughter missing and then, to find out she’d been sold and that she’d been sold and killed. Her funeral was this week and was paid for by Shaquille O’Neal because this story touched his heart.
To me, I think this story relates to the global problem of human trafficking and the fact that kids are the most likely to be trafficked. It’s horrible that this young girl was sold by her own mother for a drug debt and raped. It’s sad that people don’t seem to notice that this girl was sold and killed just over drugs. Personally, when this girl was missing, I saw more animal abuse commercials than people looking for her. I mean really, what is the point of this girl being killed over nothing? This family has lost a little angel for drugs and many didn’t even know. It hurts my heart to know that this is going on in the world all over and yet, nothing is done. Is there really a need to advertise for animals when young kids are being killed or raped for money?


Tamika Reynolds soc 202 said...

This is a dreadful story. I think this does relate to human trafficking. I wonder if the father knew that the mother had a drug problem and if this is the case how could he have left a 5 year old with such an incompetent human being. I don't care if she is the mother or not...I cannot think once where leaving your child with a "crackhead" was smart. All drug addicts think about is supporting that habit. I feel sorry for this little girl and the father because sometimes you are just up against a rock and a hard place. I hope the mother was prosecuted because to have done something like that to her own flesh and blood only shows she is not fit for society. However drugs are not the only reason someone would turn there on child into human trafficking. There are times they just need money and don't care how they get it.

Unknown said...

Its been years and this story still haunts me. I still get chills and cry when I see her little face. . I was trying to find any info on the trials of the 2 monster's involved.. casey Anthony trial was everywhere... where is Shaniya's justice?? Thank u shaq... nice to hear that ppl with status really have a heart.. may god bless u n her family

Unknown said...

Its been years and this story still haunts me. I still get chills and cry when I see her little face. . I was trying to find any info on the trials of the 2 monster's involved.. casey Anthony trial was everywhere... where is Shaniya's justice?? Thank u shaq... nice to hear that ppl with status really have a heart.. may god bless u n her family