Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Tajikistan fails to curb abuse of women: Amnesty

Aisha Crawford
November 24, 2009
4:38 PM

In the central Asian country Tajikistan, it is estimated that one-third to a half of Tajik women have been regularly subjected to physical, psychological or sexual violence at the hands of their husbands or in-laws. They are also subject to very limited employment opportunities. They are treated as servants and property of their families. Amnesty said many girls were being denied the opportunity to receive proper education, dropping out of school early to enter marriages, often polygamous or unregistered. Through all of this violence and degredation towards women, the government has done little to support them. Amnesty International said that the government is failing to protect these women from violence and abuse. Tajikistan is a repressed government however it is much better than some of the surrounding nations. So this women rights issue has been on the chopping board lately. Hopefully under enough spotlight these women can finally have some protection.

Once again across the world women are being mistreated and belittled. Not only do these women need protection from the government, but they need to be supported by their own families. How will it ever stop if the people that are abusing them are never punished. these women are people just like the families, so how can any in-law ever justify beating a wife? it is simply unjust. I doubt that this issue will boil over quickly because it does not seem to be a main priority of the government anyway. They are going to keep going on as they are now and women are never going to be protected. We need to stand up and give them heat because this is not right. We are all the same so why cant the law protect us the same? We are all the same so why are some treated less that others just because of their sex? This is just not right and hopefully one day women will not have to suffer as much as they are now, I highly doubt it though. I am really glad to be an American!


Addie D said...
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Addie D said...

I believe that women's rights are of utmost importance at this time in our society. Worldwide, women are not receiving the same rights or benefits as men and it is time we did.