Saturday, November 21, 2009

Women's. . . .football team?

Ayanna Haskell
SOC 202
November 20, 2009

In Epworth there are a group of women who are HIV positive that are apart of a clinic in Zimbabwe that have their own football team (soccer there). When they win games they go through the clinic and raise awareness about their win and being HIV positive. Epworth one of the poorest townships on Zimbabwe, more then 1 in 4 people are infected and yet there are no signs of it slowing down. Women take it the hardest because not only do they have to deal with the disease itself they have to also deal with the ridicule from people around the town, husbands, and families. The women on this team are strong and want to show everyone that they are human. They plan on making a film and the money from the film will go to other patients of the clinic.

I thought this story was very touching. For someone with HIV, living is difficult, between the drugs and constantly being aware of your disease. Although I am not sure how the opponents of the women feel about playing against HIV+ women, hence any blood to blood contact can be a a risk. But even in this case I feel it is a good release for not only the women but of the town. It shows that they are not afraid of dying and want to live their life to the fullest. HIV is very prominent in Africa and it takes over very many lives. I don't believe that with the diagnosis of HIV one should stop living, your not dead yet.


Gen said...

I also think this story is touching. It is really cool to hear about women who are trying to raise awareness for HIV, even though they too are suffering from it. It just shows that they are human too and they are not dead nor should they be treated like it.

Chandler Thomas said...

Wow, what a wonderful story! That is so cool that they get to do that. I wish everybody that's HIV positive could do positive things like that. They're absolutely right too, just because they're HIV positive doesn't mean that they aren't still human. Because they are.