Friday, April 13, 2012

Blog 12 Biofuel powered aircraft set to fly

The adaptation of bio fuels to change the future.  Recent technological advances has lead to research of bio fuels to be used with in aircraft.   Canada a nation once seen as a step behind the rest of the world in the search for alternative types of energy have come up with a way to get there aircraft to run on a 50/50 blend of algae cabbage created bio fuel and regular jet fuel, so fare test have been going well, From advanced maneuvers such as dead falls, to stalls to all types of fuel testing to prove that it is a good substitute.  And the search for a new substitute is in need, because with the recent hike in fuel prices has reflected upon tick prices in airlines and if something can be used to light the blow so be it.  the future test will be latter this month weather or not it holds up with passengers.  
I my self am very glad to see that new uses for bio-fuels are being found.  Back a few weeks ago the test with the US Naval fleet and now aircraft hopefully the world will start to making the shift to the new renewable type of fuel. And we can start paying less for fuel.  The article stated that the world is changing and the shift to newer fuels is being made but it stated that this new technology is pricey and will need to come down in order to change the world, my view is, is that if we are out of fuel and we need it price is not an option but hopefully that will change for the best, and the world will continue to keep on shining.

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