Monday, March 23, 2015

Blog 5: Europe Trying to Catch Up in Teaching e-Business

Blog 5: Europe Trying to Catch Up in Teaching e-Business

Google announced that it would sponsor a chair at H.E.C. Paris, which is one of the most prestigious business schools in France. The news was welcomed by not only academics but digital entrepreneurs as well. The Google@HEC chair -- the first direct investment by the company in a business school—is seen as a sign that Europe is finally trying to catch up with the United States in teaching digital entrepreneurship. Even though it was the first European foray into this field, it comes amid the realization that universities in Europe are lagging behind their U.S counterparts. Dr. Peyrache believe that the students were becoming more interested in the subject. If this would have been years ago, most of H.E.C’s graduates would have found employment in big corporations or consulting firms, but the more recent graduates were more likely to go at it alone. The grandes ecoles, the elite French schools where most corporate or government leaders are traditionally trained, have been teaching digital entrepreneurship for several years.

I think that Europe’s idea of catching up their teaching of e-business is a wonderful thing. The internet has become very popular over the years and is continue to grow. Everyone is using it, whether it be for business, social networks, e-mailing, or research. It is shown hat with online businesses, if successful, could go global within five years. I think this is an important program to have because not everyone is given the opportunity or have the time to physically own a traditional business. This would be a benefit for those who have other obligations.
Candace Burton

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