Friday, February 08, 2008

At home: Beautiful Afghan rugs are splendid poverty fighters

Marcela Hernandez/ February 8, 2007/ 12:03 AM/ Poverty and Inequality

Many ask the question “What can any one do to fight global poverty?” and the answer lies in this article that talks about how we can help fight global poverty. Their answer to this question was “You can shop for luxury rugs.” It might sound silly to hear that but I think it is a good idea. “That's the answer offered by Arzu, a non-profit, for-benefit Corporation that is bringing the traditional rugs of Afghanistan to the Western market while providing stable employment, education and health care benefits to female weavers and their families.” Many people around the world are buying rugs that are made by people or even kids who not only get paid for work, but also many of them are forced to do this job or there would be serious consequences. This organization helps Afghan women to make a living by making rugs but they are getting many advantages by working there for them and their family which reduce poverty at least in that area. Many of the weavers are women and I think this is a great opportunity for them because it helps them come out from the shadow of a male since they are the providers in the family. I think if you buy rugs from another organization (that forces children and women to do the job without pay) is corrupting the society because it just seems like you are encouraging this to happen. I think we should all step out of the box and help people out who really need it.

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