Friday, November 07, 2008

U.S. Full Marriage Rights for All, Vanida Chithtamath 11:49am

The judgement has been made official since Tuesday that same sex marriages are unconstitutional, but the U.S. Judicial committee will be hearing an appeal on the consitution issue today. The issue here is that same sex marriages are not recognized on a legal level, not allowing couples the same rights as a "normal" heterosexual couple. Many countries around the world have recognized same sex marriages and have the rights to full civil marriages instead of just civil unions. American courts are avoiding this judgement, when international law prohibits the discrimination of rights based on sex. Same sex marriages have families, they have have needs that all heterosexual couples face, why is it they are not granted the same rights. Same sex marriges strive for equality for better health care, partner benefits, employment benefits, fighting against domestic violence, and joint insurance policies. These are offered to any heterosexual couple, and they should be offer to same sex marriages. “Separate is never equal,” said Roth (director of HRW.ORG). “Civil unions are a step in the right direction. But they almost always offer less than the full roster of rights that marriage entails – and they still stigmatize same-sex relationships as deserving only second-class recognition.”

This quote is probably the most accurate truth in this whole story. A couple, no matter that sexual orientation they are deserve the right to marriage, and the added benefits of marriage. As a heterosexual in a relationship, I think we all take getting married for granted. There is no discrimination or harassment by the government if we decided to get married. I really hope the decision will be overturn. America is suppose to be the strongest country in the world, but it seems like we are always one step behind the world when it comes to equal rights. I hope the future is full of equality for all.

1 comment:

Angela Berst said...

It may be difficult for certain people to grasp this change from "normal" marriages, but everyone should be treated equal not matter what. This reminds me when inter-racial marriages weren't allowed, what's the difference.