Thursday, November 20, 2008

U.S. Strike Reportedly Killed Five in Pakistan

On Wednesday, November 19, an American pilotless aircraft fired missiles at Indi Khel, a village inside the Pakistan territory. This attack killed five foreign militants whom were working with the Al Qaeda and Taliban against the NATO American Soldiers. This attack has raised concern among the Pakistani government and military who urged that the American soldiers should stop firing within the Pakistani Territory. However, this suggestion has been worked with and the Pakistani military is working with the NATO soldiers to ensure their safety in Pakistan and keep the supply lines open. At this point the American military has questioned Pakistan's role in this war. After September 11, 2001, The Pakistan government pledged support to American in its effort to stop terrorism, however U.S. President Bush denied Pakistan's entrance into the NATO and declared Pakistan as a "non-NATO-ally." Thus brings me to why America has put so much faith in Pakistan to bring Al Qaeda down; Why has the American military put so much pressure on Pakistan to control this when clearly Pakistan does not see that the American military has been working with them to solve this problem? Pakistanis say that the American military has not shared enough intelligence and hardware to solve the problem, thus the American military still has the problem at hand. Pakistan still insists on helping in this war by keeping supply lines open and help stop the flow of foreign militants.
New York Times
Krista Giles
SOC 202
Nov. 20, 08; 10:05 PM

1 comment:

Eric Olive said...

There is definately a need for Pakistani and US military to keep each other informed and work together to help win the war on terror. I think that collaboration is the first step to ending the war and saving lives.