Katie Scott
November 22. 2009
3:33 PM
This article is about how China is on its way to having to knocking the United States out of its role as the global higher education "superpower". In the past, the global superpowers were determined by the size of national armies or the posession of nuclear weapons that a country had. Now, it is the size and prestige of the university systems of a country that determines how much power it has. According to the current trend of graduates and percentages of college students per number of young people, China is rapidly moving through the field in the higher education race. China is now the largest higher education system in the world. It awards more university degrees than the USA and India combined. The importance of higher education to economic success is now increasingly recognised around the world.
So many people think that the United States is and always will be the "Superpower" country of the world. However, this article proves that the United States is trailing behind in many areas, such as education. Like the article states, education leads to the success of an economy which affects the power of nation in many areas. People need to stop being so ignorant in thinking that America is above being overturned by some other country. At this rate, countries like China are soon going to have better economies, better systems of education, and possibly better armies which are all elements that could help them take down the previous world superpower.
I agree with your comment. I think that the USA is trailing off as the superpower in general and that China is taking over in more than just education. However I did not know that the USA was considered a superpower in education I thought it was Japan, maybe they have the most educated people in general. But I think that USA is too busy trying solve this OIL crisis than to be concerned with education. As America lags behind China is nipping at there heels closely surpassing America. It will be very interesting to see how America will react will it realize its place in the world is jeopardized. Will Chinese be the first language? Only time will tell.
I agree too. USA seems to be losing thier power that we have so long relied on. I feel that education is an important thing to key on because "the children are our future."
This article emphasize for one more time that investing in education should be a number one priority for the USA. There are many areas that education system could be improved like increasing minimum wage for teachers. I also think just having the highest number of student with graduate degree will not make that education system desirable.
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