Brittany Harris
Health and Disease
This article points out certain individuals, as well as corporations who have taken advantage of their powerful and economic leads to protect themselves from the, overwhelming swine flu. Although the H1N1 has clearly spread through several regions of the world (America being one of them) and therefore people are going to great extremes to remain healthy. Due to a lack of vaccinations, the Center for Disease Control has stated that only people who meet a certain criteria should receive the vaccination as a priority. Those people include the following: Pregnant women, People who live with or care for children younger than six months, children between six months and two years, adults and elderly with chronic health conditions or weakened immune systems, and healthcare and emergency workers with direct patient contact. However, the people accused of breaking these guidelines include lawyers, financial analysts or advisors, and men who work as the Mall Santas during the Christmas season. Officials are outraged at these actions and do not feel it is right of them to take the protection away from those who need the treatment/vaccination more.
I found this particular article to be somewhat interesting and also extreme at certain points while reading it. On one hand I completely understand where the officials are coming from when this reaction article was written. I agree that the people who are more susceptible to the flu should be treated first, and then the rest of us will follow. However, as an everyday American college student, I too fear the spread of H1N1. In the CEOs and leaders of these corporations’ eyes, I can identify them wanting to keep their employees safe from potentially sick clients and things of that nature. It was hard for me to pick a side on this particular article. I would love to hear feedback.
1 comment:
I think its beyond unfair for those just because they have money to get vaccinated first or the status. I believe those who are more susceptible to getting the virus or more likely to spread it should be vaccinated first.
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