Friday, November 20, 2009

Deaths, rape of DR Congo citizens "unacceptable": US official

Sarah Creech


3:30 pm

This article is about how the US special advisor of the Great Lakes region Howard Wolpe has kicked off a regional tour, to try to raise awareness and help the civilians of the Congo. This needs to be done because a “military campaign against Rwandan rebels in the Democratic Republic of Congo has led to unacceptable killings, rape, and displacement of civilians.” The UN peacekeeping operation has withdrawn its support for the Congolese army because many of its soldiers have been accused of killing civilians.

I believe that it is a good thing that this man is trying to raise awareness of the atrocities that are taking place in the Congo. I also agree with the UN withdrawing their support of these people. Soldiers who kill and rape innocent civilians do not deserve the help of anyone. After watching the movie, Rape in the Congo, in class I have become much more interested in this subject. The video was so sad, it makes it much more real when you hear these stories from the women who were affected themselves, than if you hear about it in the paper from some reporter. The bottom line is, the madness needs to stop, and I support Wolpe 100 percent in this champagne to end it.

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