Friday, November 20, 2009

UN-backed Global Fund awards $2.4 billion to fight killer diseases over next two years

Melanie Lofgren
3:10 p.m.

The Global Fund is a finical institution that works in the prevention, treatment, and care of three diseases in low-income countries: AIDS/HIV, malaria, and tuberculosis (which estimates claimed have killed over 4 million people each year). To date, it has contributed $18.4 billion dollars in 140 countries since 2002. On November 12, 2009, the United Nation- backed Global Funds declared they had approved new grants worth $2.4 billion. The group also approved the roll-out of a pilot phase that works to reduce the price of malaria medications. This phase will go into effect in nine different African countries and Cambodia, with a $216 million fund from UNITAID, the UN, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. We are seeing a tremendous demand for funding,” said Global Fund Executive Director Michel Kazatchkine. “Countries are showing that they are able to effectively turn large amounts of money from donors into prevention, care and treatment of AIDS, TB and malaria, which in turn will save millions of lives.” But he is worried that in the upcoming years if they do not see a significant amount of boost in the contribution from donor countries, they will not be as fortunate.

This is the second article I have found which includes a different foundation that receives large contributions from Bill and Melinda Gates. I commend them for giving back so much of their money to other countries and families in need. This is also the second article that I have seen which states that if these foundations or countries do not start to receive as much help as they have in the past few years that improvement will start to decline. Once again, here is another example of the economic hard times impacting the world around us.

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