Nicholas Salmons
4:46 pm
Over the last year, Israel has initiated multiple campaigns to prevent development in areas along the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip occupied legally by Palestinians. These efforts are "aimed at undermining the Palestinian presence," though this presence is entirely legitimate and authorized internationally by the Oslo Accords which were signed by Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization in 1993. On Wednesday of this week, Israeli forces issued orders for the demolition of five civillian homes in a village east of Qalqilia. The residents - 35 total, of which 20 are children - are being displaced for the establishment of a new Israeli settlement. The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights has noted that the "natural growth" of Palestinian families requires room for this growth, and that a prevention of this violates international humanitarian law. Already, due to complex processes involved in obtaining a building license, Palestinian families must build above their homes in order to accomodate for increase. It has also been noted that "settlement activities" in these Palestinian-occupied regions are illegal and amount to war crimes.
Maybe I just don't watch the news enough, but I haven't heard much at all about this issue. I have heard even less about US and international involvement in this particular facet of the issue. It appears that the Palestinians haven't heard much more either, as the PCHR "believes that the conspiracy of silence practiced by the international comunity has encouraged Israel to act as if it is above the law and to continue to violate international human rights..." I feel like no one who can get involved will until it turns ugly for them personally in a real way.
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