Friday, November 20, 2009

More Charges expected in 5-year olds Deah

Caitlin Adams
9:12 am
More charges expected in 5-year olds death/ Mother Charged with Human Trafficking
This story is about a little five year old girl, Shaniya Davis, who went missing Fayetteville, North Carolina. She was recently discovered in a wooded area along the road near Sanford about seven miles from the hotel where she was last seen. Sadly, Shaniya’s mother is being charged with human trafficking, child abuse, and is being accused of selling her daughter into slavery. Police originally said they were almost certain they would find the little girl alive. She was last seen in a Sanford hotel with a man who is now being charged with kidnapping. The man is Shaniya’s mother’s boyfriend who admitted to taking the girl away from her mother and kidnapping charges were dropped. Mother Davis was arrested for intent for Shaniya to be held for sexual servitude and prostitution.
This story makes me sick. And then to find out that Shaniya was raised by her father and had only been living with her mother for a month really shows you that she should not have been there in the first place. I feel this relates to the topics we discussed in class. Most people think about human trafficking to be where an old man brings in a foreign young girl. Through this story we have seen that is not the case. It is happening down the street from us and even happening within families.


Charity Davenport said...

Every time I hear this story it really makes me sad. It's hard to believe that someone would be willing to do that to a 5 year old girl. It's sickening.

Brittany Harris said...

I think everyone is disgusted by this particular tragedy that could easily have been avoided. There are so many things that you, me or anyone else could say but the sad reality is that it will never bring this innocent life back. In addition to that, you made a good point when you say that we usually do not place situations such as this one in our mind when the topic of human trafficking is brought up. This, could definitely play a role in this case. Because Shaniya was in the care of her biological mother, who is an adult female we would never suspect (unless of course you know their circumstances prior) that anything is wrong with this picture. This is truly a sad case to even think about.