Thursday, November 19, 2009

Suicide attack kills 19 in Pakistan's Peshawar

Catherine Maynard

19 November 2009


For the seventh time in less than two weeks Peshawar has had yet another deadly suicide bombing. This morning outside the gates of a court compound in the high security center of the city, the suicide bomber stepped outside of a taxi around 10AM. As the suspicious guard tried to detain the suspect the estimated 15kilograms of explosive blew up kissing 19 and wounding at least 50. This recent outburst of suicide bombing in the area has been targeting police check points and provincial headquarters. The courthouse bombed this morning was crowded with lawyers, judges, etc. Taliban leaders have claimed responsibility for most of the deadly attacks. Threats of intensified attacks have been released in online video. It is believed to be retaliation for military offensives launched against militant strongholds in the mountain regions of the country.


This issue shows just how complicated fighting against terrorism really is. An effort or attack against one area can cause major repercussions in another. The fact that these bombings have been in security areas also shows that upping security doesn’t solve the problem either. So how do we fix this? If anyone can find an answer I would like to know, because I don’t think that there will ever be a way to stop hatred and violence.


Chandler Thomas said...

This is awful. Terrorism is a major issue and world issue that is so hard to address properly, and safely. It will take long, drawn out, persistent, negotiations, and peaceful encounters to slow down terrorism.

p.s. - The 'kissing' vs killing is completely something I would write by accident, I'm glad I'm not the only one!

DeeDee Campbell said...

This is truly awful. More and more it seems as the Supposedly fight against terrorism is never ending. It seems progress has been far off and there is still more ground to cover, if at all.

Jessie Lucas said...

It is so complicated to deal with terrorism especially when they are willing to die for their cause and don't care what happens as long as they get their point across. I don't know how we deal with it bu something definately has to be done...