Thursday, April 18, 2013

Hate Crimes in the UK

According to this article, the UK cops arrest two over an  assault on a teenager .This teenager describe himself to be  an “emo” in which the article define  as being short term  for emotive or emotional. This emotion refers to an introspective style of music between punk and grunge. This hasn’t been the first incident of hate crime in UK; in fact the police have been keeping a record of attacks on subculture members. The police force in the UK plans to treat these attacks on Goth and emo groups in the same way in the same way as crimes based on race, religion, disability or sexual orientation. The teen was injured several times in this case and it has reported as an alternative subculture hate crime. The England prosecutors see this crime as a criminal offense motivated by hate of others and is determined to take positive action for offenders.

This article is flawed in the sense that it didn’t provide any information predicting what the criminals sentencing or repercussions will be for acting on a hateful crime. No justice being served to the victims’ families and to set an example for the ones that commit these crimes brings other to suffer from anxiety and sometimes suicidal thoughts.Government officials and people in society should tackle these problems and take them serious because these crimes will keep reoccurring taking out innocent people in the world. Reflected back to a previous lecture, people that label themselves emos or Goths or Jews should have that radical choice to be   the unique individuals they are and live as they please in society without being hated on.

Courtney Lyons
April 18,2013 1:00am


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