Saturday, November 21, 2009

Conflict endures in Ethiopia’s ethnic Somali Region

Zeina Mvemba

4:59 PM


Fifteen years later conflict in Ethiopia has remained, and is proving to be very devastating. The ongoing conflict has already claimed thousands of lives, stemming from conflict between separatists in the Somali region. The Somali region of Ethiopia is the home to many Muslim people, mainly ethnic Somali nomad tribes. The separatist movement which refers to members of the Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) has been referred to as terrorists by the Ethiopian people affected. In a battle over Ethiopia’s resources including natural gas and a want for political support, the people of Ethiopia and the Somali Region have found themselves at odds with one another. Mainly inaccurate information about the conflict has been broadcasted due to the limited media access in the Somali region.

It is very sad to see that even after 15 years of fighting, conflict has not yet been resolved. Although that seems like a very long time, it’s even more saddening that conflict lasts even longer in other regions. The conflict in Ethiopia has been compared to the Darfur conflict, which is even more devastating. It seems so pointless to me to have an ongoing conflict in which many people are suffering. After any long period of time, the cause for the beginning of conflict may eventually be forgotten. Also, the fact that no one has put an end to the terrorism of the people in the region is even more devastating. Hopefully resolve will come to this region, because if the conflict is being compared to Darfur, things will only get worse before they get better.

1 comment:

AishaCrawford said...

Wow, we are such a warminded world! There is war after war that last for so long with no ending results. What is the point of this waste of energy. Sadly I know that this problem is never going to come to a conclusion, they will only stop the grapples for a short period of time and start back up after a while.